Why choose AP


We consider this the first reason to be with us. One of the best structured companies in engineering and industrial projects in the country. In our 27 years, there is nothing that cripples the PA.

Security and IT

We have all the necessary infrastructure and support that guarantee information security and ensure that confidential and critical information is not stolen from organizational systems.

Operational Excellence

Complying with all agreed variables with external and internal customers is our success. Operational excellence with value discipline at AP is the best way to show how we do what we do.

Innovation at the right time

We anticipate market trends in the theme of project automation. Our entire organizational culture today is geared towards learning. We are the first designer to have the latest technology in Laser Scanner in the execution of projects. In integrative BIM models, we consider ourselves eternal scholars.

Freedom and learning

We believe in the essence of the employee in contributing to what he does. That is why we were one of the few Brazilian engineering companies to contribute to the book "Project Engineering" and we work with the "laissez-faire" method.

Value engineering

The success of the enterprise is strictly linked to the quality of project engineering. Our focus is to ensure that our experience brings a lower overall project cost than expected by the customer.


AP Consultoria e Projetos is recognized in the Highlight Civil Engineering Best Supplier Award - National Institute of Civil Engineering in the years 2015 and 2017

AP Consultoria e Projetos is awarded in the Engineering Supplier Development Program - PDFE, PETROBRAS, February 21, 2013 - Best Supplier

UN-BA Contracting and Performance Monitoring Program (Petrobras): 2002 and 2004

UN-BA Contracting and Performance Monitoring Program (Petrobras): 2002 and 2004